Friday, December 17, 2010

The role of Engineers in the world

Engineers are designers who use scientific principles to optimize their design. They are innovators who use systematic, objective engineering analysis and design techniques to impact global sustainability through the product and processes designed. So, their decision can influence the fate of the world for the better or worse.

Engineering is concerned with the built environment around us, at the present time and in the future; where it will continue to evolve, with new technologies and innovation being discovered. So, we, the next generation of engineers, should be ready to tackle the developing trends in the world such as:

- Loss of ecosystem services – Environmental
– Different energy scenario – Energy
– Water availability problems – Water resources
– Globalisation – Different Economics

Impacts of Engineering decisions on the environment

The relationship between the Engineering decisions and their environmental impacts are always the direct one. Opting for luxury car designs instead of energy efficient ones, for example, results in more energy consumption and more emission subsquently.

Engineering decisions can also affect population growth, food production, water and energy supplies, global warming, ozone layer depletion and others for the better or worse. So, I must say that Engineers need to decide wisely to ensure better quality of life in a sustainable manner.

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