Friday, December 17, 2010

The role of Engineers in the world

Engineers are designers who use scientific principles to optimize their design. They are innovators who use systematic, objective engineering analysis and design techniques to impact global sustainability through the product and processes designed. So, their decision can influence the fate of the world for the better or worse.

Engineering is concerned with the built environment around us, at the present time and in the future; where it will continue to evolve, with new technologies and innovation being discovered. So, we, the next generation of engineers, should be ready to tackle the developing trends in the world such as:

- Loss of ecosystem services – Environmental
– Different energy scenario – Energy
– Water availability problems – Water resources
– Globalisation – Different Economics

Impacts of Engineering decisions on the environment

The relationship between the Engineering decisions and their environmental impacts are always the direct one. Opting for luxury car designs instead of energy efficient ones, for example, results in more energy consumption and more emission subsquently.

Engineering decisions can also affect population growth, food production, water and energy supplies, global warming, ozone layer depletion and others for the better or worse. So, I must say that Engineers need to decide wisely to ensure better quality of life in a sustainable manner.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

ICT development in Africa

Meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) makes an enormous difference for the vast majority of Africans. However, ICT and economic growth poverty alleviation, promotion of social equality and adequately addressing MDG’s can only happen within certain policy regimes and institutional arrangements. In order to harness ICT for sound economic and social policies, continental and national ICT strategies must be integrated into broader policy agendas and coordinated with different policy sectors, most notably Poverty Reduction Strategy Programes.

Nevertheless, affordability offers one of the most generic perspectives to analyze how ICT is meeting the challenges of development. Falling prices on products and services is key for delivering ICT products and services for low-income people. Affordability is also a center piece of policy strategies advancing mass penetration of ICT’s throughout African society, especially in rural local communities or among the urban poor. Pushing the prices of products and services in new generation telephony, computing and internet below the affordability thresholds for the majority of Africans presents great potential to contribute to poverty alleviation and welfare.

ICT is also increasingly important for meeting climate change challenges globally. ICT accounts for 2.5 percent of total greenhouse emissions, but has the potential to reduce overall emissions greatly in Africa. ICT has the potential to reduce the need for travel, which accounts worldwide for about 14% of greenhouse emissions. Introduction of intelligent ICT into energy management and monitoring systems provides another highly potential contribution to energy efficiency and environmentally sustainable development.

Workshop: Transportation

As a team of two guys who are transportation system planners, we tried to develop a mobility on demand(MOD) transportation system. We based our workshop on the e-lecture about challenges of transportation planning by Dr Khan Rahaman’s and from Antti Ruotoistenmäki's brief lecture on Eco Mobility.

The system basically works as the normal taxi system. In this system the client can make mobile phone calls at any time anywhere to get the service. The mobiles phones used should incorporate location based services. Some may argue that since such phones are not affordable to all in the society, such system discriminate between the haves and have nots thus hardly sustainable. But we argued that even if the service is niche that mainly focuses on a certain segment of the society, it significantly helps to reduce car occupancy rate and its subsequent problems such as congestion, emission and inefficient energy use.

Challenges of Transportation planning in Asia, Europe and North america

Following the ever increasing trend of urbanization in the global scale and increase in population in the developing world, transportation planners are facing different challenges on their effort to insure a sustainable transportation system for the society. Some of the challenges include:

-lack of transport options
-congestion, pollution and climate change
-Increasing trends in car occupancy
-A decreased tendency in bicycling
-Increase in energy consumption
-road safety and security

These challenges need to be addressed by transportation planning which is sustainable. But what does sustainable transportation planning means? The concept mainly focuses on access and mobility. Access refers to ensuring access of transportation for all regardless of living standard or any other discriminatory measures.

Sustainable transportation planning includes the economical, social, financial and governance aspects into consideration to effectively implement a properly functioning transportation system.

Asian perspective

As urban population is increasing in an alarming rate with decrease in rural population in many Asian countries, car occupancy rate and public transportation are also on the rise. The motorization in some rapidly growing Asian countries like Indonesia and Thailand can be quoted as an illustrative example here. some of the subsequent challenges of these recent developments include:

Increase in emission
Inefficient energy use
lack of city development strategy
ineffective transport planning
governance problem etc.

And it is usually the vulnerable poor who are affected the most by the problems as they struggle to cope with the burden of paying the increasing transportation fares.

Any solution?

Planners need to put a lot of effort to ensure a sustainable transportation system, that takes the political, economic,social and environmental aspects into consideration. It is also a good practice to integrate all the transportation systems into a single platform.

European and North American perspective

Urbanization increasing.
Motorization rate is already high.

clean energy Eg. using bicycles
less energy Eg. Using energy efficient cars.

policies and programs

Different policies and programs are being introduced to curb the problem.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Workshop: Waste Management

Following the individual work on solid waste management in the previous session, this session was a workshop that focuses on case study of kibera - the largest slum in Kenyan. In our team, based on the case study provided by the speaker, we identified the major sources of waste in the slum. After studying the problems, we propose short and long term solutions taking into consideration the social, economic and environmental sustainability of the solutions.

Major Wastes

a. Bio wastes
b. plastic wastes
c. flying toilets
d. wastes from manufacturing industries
e. wastes from medical facilities

The first big step towards the solution for these problems is to identify and separate the wastes so as to make them easily manageable. Other solutions were proposed as shown below

1. Short term solutions

Under this category we included:
Land filling
Cleanliness campaigning
replacing plastic bags with degradable ones

2. Long term solutions

Waste minimization
Building waste processing and recycling facilities
Building public toilets
Raising community awareness
Improving the city plan

We hope that with step by step implementation of the proposed solutions, it would be possible to see a better kibera in the foreseeable future.